The Ecumenical Service for Socioeconomic Transformation (ESSET) held a Consultation with informal traders at Khotso House on the 23rd of April. The aim of the consultation was to reflect together on ways that would strengthen the voice of informal traders in the region. This is part of ongoing processes with traders who are members of the SADC Network of Traders that was established in May 2011. The Network consists of traders from South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Lesotho. It brings together in-country informal traders and cross-border traders with the aim to fight their struggles with a united voice. Informal trade in South Africa and other many parts of Africa has over the years been a source of livelihood and income for many households. It contributes to Growth Domestic Products (GDP) of national economies yet fails to be recognised.
The process amongst others will involve public meetings, focus group discussions and reflective meetings in different townships and locations with traders locally. A critical part of the reflections with traders will be collective analysis of their external and internal context impeding on their ability to trade in the SADC region. An action learning approach will be used based on the real everyday challenges faced by informal traders.
The process is aimed at serving the interests of traders who suffer daily injustices at the hands of government. It holds the possibility of the emergence of a coherent political agenda of the SADC Network of Informal Traders that is grounded on the concrete experiences of traders; and will eventually inform their collective actions to bring about change in their world. It is further expected that it will generate valuable information by traders they will use to influence their own environment. Moreover, it is anticipated that the information from this process will dispel the myth that traders are not contributing to the economies of the SADC region, whilst at the same time affirming their role.
At the end of the Consultative workshop held yesterday there were five themes identified. Under each theme, there were emerging issues that were highlighted as focus of the research in the upcoming focus group discussions:
1. Obstacles to effective organizing and mobilizing in informal trader organizations:
- The criteria for and the nature of membership in informal trader organizations.
- The lack of clarity on the agenda of informal trader organizations.
- Funding constraints in informal trader organizations.
- Tensions in the relationship between members and non-members in trading spaces.
- Conflict between the private interests of leaders and the expectations of members.
- The negative impact of cultural differences on participation and representation in informal trader organizations.
- The negative impact of unequal gender relations on inclusive participation in informaltrader organizations.
- The lack of unity in informal trader organizations/associations.
- Conflicts between local and foreign traders over scarce resources.
- The geographical spread of informal traders (across local, national and regional spaces) makes it difficult to build solidarity.
- The pros and cons of establishing umbrella associations rather than small single organizations should be explored.
2. Popularising the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Solidarity Network of Traders:
o A lack of information exists on the SADC Network of Traders
3. Effectiveness of government provided training and other non-financial support programmes and projects for informal traders:
o The government’s form of communication for inviting street and market traders to participate in projects and programmes is ineffective.
o Existing programmes and projects, such as “grow your business”, offer no concrete benefits for street and market traders.
4. Access to finance:
o Stokvels could help to relieve the financial burdens of very small enterprises.
o More information is needed on cooperatives.
5. Access to public land for street and market trade:
o Street and market traders should be located on public land alongside formal private businesses.
T The consultations are not limited to conversations between informal traders and ESSET. We call upon all, including social activists, churches, faith communities, social movements and civil society organisations to also make inputs, comments and suggestions on issues raised above relating to informal traders. Contact us by telephone: 011 833 1190 or email:
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